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Biblical Worldview

Every word of God is pure;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.   
Proverbs 30:5

Biblical Worldview

Grounded in biblical perspective, you stand firm in the Truth of Jesus and share it in your everyday life.


Understanding the Bible might be intimidating for you.  You might have tried a reading plan in the past but didn’t get anything out of it.  You rely more on what your heart is telling you than try to discern the “ancient message” in God’s written word… however your heart hasn’t always been the best leader.

On Your Own

In Community


You have a basic understanding of the Bible but still have a lot of questions and aren’t sure exactly where to go or who to speak to for answers.  Intense Bible studies overwhelm you. You would benefit more from having someone come alongside you and guide through God’s written word.

On Your Own

In Community


You’re familiar with Scripture and know where each book of the Bible is and even have some key verses memorized.  You desire to go deeper in your understanding of the context and purpose of Scripture and how to better apply it to your daily walk and worldview as a disciple of Jesus.

On Your Own

In Community

  • "Mere Christianity" group study (purchase the workbook HERE and introduce the study to your small group) - An easy-to-understand workbook to help small groups dig deep into "Mere Christianity" and transforming you into an expert on this apologetics classic 
  • Book of the Bible group study - Click HERE for great video series resources from RightNow Media (contact matt@ouracc.org for access)
  • Discipleship Group (coming soon)

EXPERT Next Steps

You feel you have a strong Biblical worldview and turn to God’s written word for perspective more than you do the news or social media.  You have God’s word written on your heart and those around you seek you out for answers.

On Your Own

In Community

  • "Living Strong" class (coming soon)
  • 1-on-1 Mentoring
  • Discipleship Group (coming soon)


Still looking for more info?  Check out these questions and let us know if you still have questions.

How do I find out which area and level I need to grow in?

Sign up for our next "Living New" series to receive the info and assessment tool you need.

How do I access the video series options on RightNow Media?

Contact Matt Olin using the email listed below to request access to the RightNow Media library for FREE.

I don't see a date for a specific next step opportunity.  How do I sign up?

Some next step opportunities are scheduled based on needs and interests.  Fill out the interest form and you will be contacted with updates on availabilities, dates, and times.

What is the difference between a Study Group, group study, Small Group, and Discipleship Group?

  • A "Study Group" is a group or class that is designed to go through a specific study and that study only.  The group ends when the study duration is over.
  • A "group study" is materials and resources that are available for you to introduce to the Small Group you already attend or lead to help bring focus and growth to everyone in attendance.
  • "Small Groups"  range in size depending on the homes they meet in.  Small groups can be based on location, demographic, or interests (ex. "Men over 40", "Young Adults", "Parents of Teens", etc.)
  • "Discipleship Groups" (also known as D-Groups) are groups of 3-5 men or women that are dedicated to regular meetings of growing in their discipleship pathway together using specific materials, and toward the goal of mentoring others through their own D-Groups.

Contact Matt (matt@ouracc.org) to learn more about starting your own Small Group or D-Group.


Matt Olin

Discipleship Pastor
