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Week 9 - Day 4

Jun 29, 2023    Jeremy Burd

Day 4: “Who We Are” by Jeremy Burd (Mens’ Small Group Leader) 

Read: 1 John 5:19-20   

Review: The more I live the Christian life, the more I realize that the right mindset is paramount. I’m not talking about the power of positive thinking but seeing ourselves rightly and then living from a mindset that coincides with that identity. 

Physically, who I was 20 years ago is a far cry from who I am now. I weighed almost double what I weigh now. When I moved here, I lost a lot of weight. That drastic weight loss required a new mindset: instead of always choosing the big stall in the bathroom, I had to remind myself that I’m not that guy anymore and choose the smaller one. It’s a weird example, I know, but I’m convinced it translates. 

Spiritually, we are of God and in Christ. While we were once swayed by the evil one and are currently surrounded by people who continue to be swayed by him, we must remember who we are. We must have a mindset that coincides with our identity in Christ.

Reflect: Colossians 3:7 is a verse that some have put to memory to remember to live from their true identity. Is there a verse or set of verses that I can meditate on and possibly memorize in order to remember who I am?