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Week 8 - Day 3

Jun 21, 2023    David Johnson

Day 3: “Discerning What to Trust – an Ages Old Dilemma” – by Dave Johnson (ACC


Read: 1 John 5:7-8

Review: I was listening to a podcast the other day that was presenting some information as fact. Many of the facts that were presented seemed slanted or outright inaccurate. After a bit of careful fact checking I realized just how much of what I heard was not accurate or reliable. This is a constant tension that people have been managing forever, but the pace and amount of information available to us today exacerbates the issue.

In 1 John we know the same types of inaccuracies had crept into this new body of believers. John quickly brings them to three things from God in order to be a witness to Jesus true identity; the Spirit, Water and Blood. This is a fantastic example for us today. Using God’s truth to sift through the confusion this world presents, prepares us to live out and defend the one true faith.

Reflect: When confronted with “facts” do I test and approve with Gods principles or my own understanding? How might this reading convict you to ensure what you already believe has come from the one true God?