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Week 4 - Day 5

May 26, 2023    Mordecai Jasper

Day 5: “Practicing WHO I Am” – Mordecai Jasper (ACC Elder)

Read: 1 John 3:7-10

Review: As a college athlete, I didn’t like to practice. Practice was boring to me. Christianity requires practice, practice that I enjoy. Don’t be deceived, we must practice our righteousness. We need to practice being still before God, loving others, and thinking accurate thoughts about God, ourselves, and others. These practices will lead to sinning less.

The person who practices sin is of the devil. But Christ came to destroy the devil’s works. Since we’ve been born of God, we will occasionally sin, but we won’t practice or have a lifestyle of sin. We will practice righteousness “just as he is righteous.”

Why does that matter? Because RIGHTEOUS is now who we are IN CHRIST! Let’s practice at being WHO we are.

Reflect: What do I need to stop doing and begin practicing for my soul to align with Christ’s righteous spirit in me? Who do I have in my life from the accountability perspective who can encourage me to practice doing right?