Week 7 - Day 1
Day 1: “Dancing in Heaven” – by Brandi Nelson (Worship Team Vocalist)
Read: 1 John 4:7-10
Review: As a young dancer, my dream was to be on Star Search (Gen X’s version of AGT). I carefully studied tv dancers, comparing myself for progress to see if I had become like them. Was I “good enough” yet?
As human beings, if we compare ourselves to Jesus, are we ever “good enough?” Nope. Apart from Christ, our hearts produce evil. So how does a loving God forgive sin and remain loving? John tells us, “God is love" If this is true, he must punish the sin/evil that destroys people (or he wouldn’t truly love them). God so loved the world, that he sent his only Son to become the sin (2 Cor. 5:21) that must be punished: an “atoning sacrifice.”
As Christians, God conforms us to the image of Christ. Through faith in Him, I am mercifully declared
“righteous/good enough” and may live (perhaps even dance) in eternity!
Reflect: God remained both loving and just by taking our punishment upon himself. Why do I even need an
atoning sacrifice to have eternal life? Do I compare my sin to the sins of others or do I compare my sin to the
sinless example of Christ?