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1st John Devotional - Week 2, Day 2

Day 2: “Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing” – by Clay Graham (Small Groups Coordinator)

Read: 1 John 2:5-6

Review: Doing what God said we should do is how we know we are spiritually maturing. We know we are maturing when we live as Jesus lived. How did Jesus live? He lived a life of love. He didn’t worry about his rights as God, he concerned himself with saving the lost. He took time to know and love those around him. Sometimes we worry too much about gaining knowledge and not enough attention to applying that knowledge to our everyday life. Jesus said in Luke 8:19-21, it’s not knowing what God said but putting it into practice that shows we are close to him. Let’s pursue what Jesus said was the greatest thing, loving God with all our heart, soul and
mind and loving others as ourselves.

Reflect: God, how I could show love to the people in my life? Those at my work, in my family, and in my neighborhood. Even those that are difficult to love. Help me to make the sacrifice to get involved in their lives and love them as you do, my Lord.

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