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1 John Devotional - Week 9, Day 5

Day 5: “American Idol” – Michelle Sullivan (Women’s Ministry Team Member)

Read: 1 John 5:21

Review: John wraps up 1 John warning believers to protect themselves with watchful attention from idols. What exactly is an idol? The Amplified translation describes idols as false teachings, moral compromises, anything that would take God’s place in our heart—an object of extreme devotion. In America, we have countless potential idols—not little statues of bronze, metal, or stone, but anything that can slowly take God’s place in our heart. Social media, sports teams, gaming, kids’ activities, television, hobbies, career, possessions, our bodies, etc. For example, I love to play pickleball. It’s great exercise, gets me out in the fresh air and I can socialize with friends—all good things. However, if I begin to accept invitations to play on Sunday mornings and skip church or play so often that I don’t have time for my morning devotions with the Lord, then pickleball has become an idol. Guard yourselves, dear ones.

Reflection: Is there anything in my life that God is nudging me to guard myself against because it is, or is slowly becoming, an idol? Satan is crafty at converting an innocent interest into an idol to get us to worship something other than God. Take steps now to guard yourself.


Michelle Sullivan and the love of her life Sean have 4 adult sons and 2
granddaughters. She works full time as the Operations Manager for their eyewear
company and is a table leader at Stepping Stones. Michelle wrote a book called
Chocolate Cake Marriage and has been speaking to women’s groups for over 25 years.
Her passions include spending time with her family, encouraging women in their walk
with Jesus and playing pickleball! “I really enjoyed working on the 1 John Devo project
as it was fun to see what the Holy Spirit would download into me and onto the page.
Thank you for the privilege of being a part of this project.”

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