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1st John Devotional - Week 6, Day 1

Day 1: “Counterfeit Forensic Expertise” – by Jim Schultz (ACC Member)

Read: 1 John 4:1

Review: In preparing their agents to spot counterfeit money, the U.S. Secret Service initially trains them to study only legitimate bills. They spend considerable time concentrating on originals so they can immediately spot a fake.

In the verse for today, John is expressing the same message. We are to test the spirits behind the false prophets against what God has spoken in His word (Bible). Without a good knowledge of scripture, spotting a false teacher or having a biblical worldview is impossible. There is no end to the voices in our world today from preachers, politicians, and social media giving false messages. Many people fail to read and study scripture daily and are unprepared when faced with a decision or false concept requiring a godly/biblical response.

Reflect: Do I know scripture well enough to spot false teaching? What am I doing to avoid being deceived by false messages?

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